People in leadership positions often consider emotional intelligence (EI) as having superpowers to control and manage individuals effectively within an organisation. When professionals need to enhance their Leadership Skills, they can consider improving their EI abilities. 

Emotional intelligence is about understanding and maintaining one’s own and other people’s feelings so one can make better choices and have stronger relationships within the organisation. This blog will discuss why EI is considered one of the critical Leadership Qualities for leaders and how they can develop it to be more effective and beneficial for the organisation.

Table Of Contents

  • What is Emotional Intelligence?
  • Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership
  • How to Develop Emotional Intelligence in Leadership?
  • Conclusion

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence includes four significant parts fundamentally:


Self-awareness means being aware of and knowing your feelings. It is essential to understand why they happen and how they affect your actions and thoughts. Understanding and realising yourself is the basis of Self-awareness. For example, realising that you are worried before a big show, admit that it’s affecting how well you do or perform in the show.

Social Awareness

EI is more than just knowing about yourself. It also means knowing how others feel when you present in front of them or give a task to them. This means paying attention to spoken and unspoken hints, seeing things from other people’s points of view, and figuring out how people think in a group or workplace. It helps to reduce the stress that you have when sharing with your friends.

Relationship Management

Another essential factor to consider is the ability to do well in social situations. This includes communicating clearly, settling disagreements constructively, motivating and inspiring others positively, and encouraging partnership and teamwork. Maintaining relations effectively is always a part of your behaviour when you want to be emotionally intelligent.


Understanding yourself and your emotions is essential when you are in a leadership role. People with high EI can control their feelings well once they are aware of them. This means controlling responses and resisting urges are a part of this. When there is a new situation, how easily you adjust to new situations without considering feelings is essential.

Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership

Enhanced Communication

Leaders with high EI are great at communicating because they can read other people’s emotions and react correctly. They can get others’ points across quickly and must be able to listen carefully. They adapt to change how they talk to people and situations depending on their needs without considering their emotions.

Better Decision-Making

EI helps people make better decisions by considering both rational and emotional factors. Leaders with high emotional intelligence (EI) can consider how decisions will affect people and teams and guess how people might behave. They can make decisions that align with the organisation’s goals while also considering people who depend on them or the leader in them.

Conflict Resolution

Arguments will always happen in groups. Leaders can stay calm under pressure and listen to everyone in the team with empathy. It is easy for leaders to handle employee disagreements as they have high emotional intelligence (EI). Ensure you are not a part of a single group or person.

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence in Leadership?

Emotional Regulation

Different methods exist, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises, and following these methods can help you deal with stress and emotions well.


Think about your feelings, what sets you off, your skills, and where you can improve. Self-awareness can be improved by writing in a journal or asking trusted coworkers for comments.

Practice Leadership

As a leader, you should include mindfulness techniques in how you do things. Being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them and developing a sense of calm and clarity are all parts of this. Mindful leaders can make better choices, deal with stress, and naturally connect with others.

Seek Feedback and Learning Opportunities

Be willing to hear what others say about your EI skills and where you can improve. Leadership associations and institutions conduct various programmes and workshops. Participate in leadership development programmes, workshops, or coaching lessons on building emotional intelligence.


Leaders who prioritise emotional intelligence (EI) skills can create a good work environment, encourage trust and teamwork, make intelligent choices, and deal with problems with empathy and resilience. By constantly building and using emotional intelligence, leaders can create places where people thrive, teams do great, and the organisation’s goals are met in a way that doesn’t harm the environment. For more information visit: The Knowledge Academy.

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